Your horoscope says that Tuesday will be great! Just kidding... who really knows. We each create our own is actually a bit overcast here today. Maddie and I got rained on as we took our daily walk along the Sunabe seawall.
It is officially September and life is going great. John and I have been in Okinawa for almost a month and have even managed to visit a few "touristy" type spots. We even did a Tour yesterday of the Nago area. That is North of where we live by about an hour or so. We visited the Pineapple Plantation, the Orion Beer Factory (John's favorite.. you got 2 free beers and they were regular size.. not like the itty bitty ones at Sea World... even got beer nuts too.. whooooohoooo!) We also visited the Ryuku Glass Factory & the Nakijin-jo Castle Ruins. We had a yakiniku style lunch which is where you cook your own food... pretty fun.. using large chop sticks... QUITE the experience... overall it was a great day!
I have added a few pics of our time here. We are settling in nicely. John is back to work and very happy about that. He was ready to fight the war on plaque once again. Maddie has finally gotten into a routine and is our normal happy puppy. I am figuring things out. I am starting a pottery class tomorrow and will learn to throw pottery from an Okinawan gentleman. I have also joined a few groups and plan on volunteering at the Navy Gift Shop regularly. It should be fun.
This country is so incredible in some ways. They are SO respectful of their elders and everyone is very friendly. There are definately some differences.. for example, the fastest you can drive is 60 km an hour and that is SLLLOOOOWWWW.... but the cars are not really made to go faster than that. We have learned a few phrases... I have gotten very good at "gomen a sai" which is "I am sorry"...hahahahaha... and we know some basics. The public toilets are QUITE the experience for women.. yes, you squat, hold, pee and don't forget ... PRAY that everything goes where it should!!!! A bit more difficult than for men...
We had a great experience a week or so ago... we ate at a place that I have NO idea what it's name is but we call it... SUSHI GO ROUND because you literally sit at a diner-style bar and the sushi goes around on a conveyor belt and you pick what you want, save your plates and pay at the end... PRETTY cool... there were some really good ones and some that even John said were a bit TOO much for him! I am beginning to like different sushi and even a few raw types!
Curry has become a fast favorite... espcially the all you can eat spot we found about a 5 minute walk from our house. Speaking of walking... Boy do you do a LOT of it here! We walk and sweat everywhere... that is the way it is! They even sell little pads for under your arms ladies.... to gather the funny is that!
Well more later but enjoy the pictures and we look forward to hearing from you!
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